BANISH BURNOUT: 7 signs you’re burning out and 4 ways to help

BANISH BURNOUT: 7 signs you’re burning out and 4 ways to help yourself

By Martha Moore

Published 5/12/2017 in

Striving to do it all, to look like we’ve always got it together, and to be uber-successful comes with a price. The price is burnout. Burnout affects you adversely on all levels of your being—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Burnout is currently showing up in Baby Boomers more frequently than in any other group of individuals, since the effects of our fast-paced, high-stress lifestyles are cumulative. Baby Boomers have just been doing this longer than Gen Xers and Millennials—the possibility of burnout is more like a ticking time bomb for you younger folk!

Fortunately, the earlier you identify the signs that you’re experiencing burnout, the easier it is to make changes that’ll get you out of your burned-out state and keep you happy, healthy and in love with life again.

Seven signs that indicate you’re suffering from burnout

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